Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Create Animated Explainer Video Services


▶Animated Explainer Video Services

We make animated explainer videos that promote your business and tell your story with simplicity and clarity.

Animated explainer help explain your business, increase visibility, and increase your conversions by 80%.

▶Explain What You Do

Explainer videos are an effective way to explain what you do. A 90 second explainer animation video is most ideal. We can make an explainer video help sell a product, promote your business or raise awareness for your nonprofit.

  • Easily explain what you do with an explanation video.
  • Help investors visualize what problem you solve and how.
  • Simplify a complex subjects like healthcare issues, so your audience understands it.
  • 50% more information is retained with animation videos than text.
  • Marketing animation on your website boost conversions by up to 80%.

▶explainer production process

  • Discovery.
  • Scriptwriting.
  • Styleboard.
  • Storyboarding.
  • Voice-over recording.
  • Animation.
  • Music and sound effects.
  • Post-production and revisions.

Please get in touch with me to know the details and how it works.

If you have any question, feel free to send me a message


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