Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Create Video Explainer With Motion Graphic Design


for basic class

- FULL HD video quality 1080p

- include awsome motion graphic

- concept you want

- 10 second duration

- create video with your script want

- fast response

for standard class

- FULL HD video quality 1080p

- include awsome motion graphic

- concept you want

- 30 second duration

- create video with your script want

- revision 1x

- fast response

for premium class

- FULL HD video quality 1080p

- include awsome motion graphic

- concept you want

- 60 second duration

- create video with your script want

- revision 1x

- fast response

You also can order custom request, please send a message and discussion in conversation. 

Thank you 



very professional! work looks amazing!


This seller is easy to work with and very professional. Thank you, Yogi!


This is one of my favorite projects done by Yoglee! Thank you so much!


This seller always does amazing work!


GREAT! This seller is awesome!

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