Sunday, December 11, 2022

Create Custom Explainer Video


I'm starting off on Fiver, feel free to ping me to see my extensive Portfolio.

A custom explainer video is a way to go, nobody has time to read through long pages of dry text. When you add a video on your website you provide value to your customer by saving them time and not to mention it's a great way to showcase your brand with pride if done right!

Things to keep in mind:

  • A generic video is a disgrace to your brand, a fully custom hand-crafted explainer on the other hand represents your brand on the front line with pride.
  • A generic video contains graphics that everyone uses, a custom explainer on the other hand has a fine set of original Illustrations created around your brand's design language and will certainly make a difference.
  • A generic video has the same old boring software-based animation, a custom explainer, on the other hand, has fully custom animation created in adobe aftereffect that will engage your viewer's attention like nothing else.

And that's reason enough why you need me for your next explainer video project:)


: : : : :

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